Motoring & Driving Offences
Motoring and driving offences include a wide range of allegations, such as speeding, driving without insurance or licence, driving under the influence of alcohol (drink-driving) or drugs, dangerous or careless driving, driving causing grievous bodily injury, and driving causing death.
Alleged driving and motoring offences can have severe implications in respect of daily life, livelihood and reputation, and many of our clients facing such allegations have had no prior involvement with the criminal justice system.
Owen Beattie Solicitors have extensive experience and specialism in the representation of clients, facing alleged motoring and driving offences. We work closely and proactively with clients throughout all stages of the process, from initial interview under caution, to representation at Court, if required.
The approach adopted by Owen Beattie Solicitors in dealing with such offences is complimented by working closely with an experienced and dedicated team of barristers.